Sunday, September 19, 2010

Afterthoughts on my own damn review.

After waking up today rejuvenated and thinking freely, I decided to read the Silent Hill review I posted up last night. Having done so I want to apologize for the obvious lack of quality in it. Clearly, it was unwise to write such a long artice in the pre-sunrise hours of early morning. Much of my wording was repetitive, I left out a great deal about what the psych profile system actually does, and I just feel it was an all around sub par piece of work.

I have since, redone some aspects of the review to make it something I have less problems with. I hope I've remedied most of the mistakes I made, and if you see anything in it, a typo, grammatical error, or even feel like it's missing some information you'd like to know more about, please, by all means comment and let me know.


  1. dont worry about it, its all gravy

  2. it wasnt that bad dude. dont be that hard on yourself! :)

  3. The review is good but I think you went too easy on it. An easy and not really scary Silent Hill game just isn't the same.

  4. yea i feel that way about myself while writing too, i guess we'll get over it haha

  5. Gave it a read, it was okay I guess :) I sure want to play the game now

  6. Lol it happens to the best of us...Although I would'nt have even bothered changing it, as its wasnt that bad....

  7. It wasn't that bad, a lot of people cant review as well as you did even if they are wide awake.

  8. id say you are doing good, keep it that way man

  9. The only time i blog is late at nigh when i'm sleep deprived, works out better that way

  10. do what u want couse a pirate is free!You're a Pirate!!
    cool!suppin bro :)
    check both my blogs are interesting! ;)

  11. You need to get up on the postin :P
